ThunderDome Press
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Submissions for Fiction are now open on an ongoing basis. 2,000 or fewer words in any genre, see further guidelines below.
Submissions are always open for Non-Fiction pieces (Reviews, Travel, Politics, Sports) as well as Art & Photography and Poetry.
At the time, we offer no financial compensation for any works published. Tell your friends, help us grow into a bigger site, and that could eventually change!
All we ask for is right of first publication. You maintain all rights secondary and ancillary to your work. On a limited basis, we will take secondary publications, as long as you give us the information so we can give full credit/link to the original publication. You grant us the right to publish the story online for a minimum of 6 months. Afterwards, if you'd like the story taken down, please contact us. Otherwise, keep showing it off to your friends!
Pieces of 2,000 or fewer words should be contained in the body of the email. If there's special formatting to consider, we'll discuss it after acceptance for publication. NO ATTACHMENTS please. For files larger than 2000 words, contact us via email to make arrangements.
It goes without saying that any work (visual, printed or otherwise) must be your own original work. We don't like thieves, and we'll gladly help the people you stole from track you down! Well, not YOU. The bad guys. We know you're not one of them.
We'll gladly look at your work even if it's out to other places, but please be sure to notify us if you've been accepted elsewhere.
POETRY: Please submit no more than 3 poems at a time. Do not submit further until you've heard from us.
FICTION & NON-FICTION: 1 piece at a time unless they're extremely short (250 words or less).
VISUAL/ART: up to 5 images at a time, no further submissions until you hear from us.